OSP & Videogames: An introduction


 1) What were the first videogames like 
The first video games were kept as simple as possible. There wasn't a lot of variety in terms of sound, interactions, or genres. They were kept to a minimum and mostly played in arcades.
2) How have videogames changed over time?
Many aspects of video games have improved, including the quality and graphics. Additionally, there are more customised games and interactive games available.

3) What do the most successful games have in common? Answer this in as much detail as you can. Think about audience pleasures - what do people like about playing videogames?
The most successful video games are action/adventure games like SpaceWar from 1962 or Call of Duty from 2003.

4) What criticisms have been made towards videogames?
Many people criticise video games for their lack of diversity and universal appeal. Action video games tend to be violent and graphic in nature.

1) At the time of the article, how many Fortnite players were there worldwide? (Bonus question - how many are there now? Try Googling it.)
200 milllion players worldwide.

2) Why is it so popular? What are the audience pleasures of the game?
Its a fun action game and at the time of the release it was free. You have the ability to customise your game with characters and choose multiple different games within it.

3) Why might some people criticise Fortnite?
Some would say Fortnite is a violent/graphic game and is not suitable for kids. It is very addicting and this could lead to no sleep.

4) Copy and paste two comments from 'below the line' of the Guardian article - these are comments written by Guardian readers in response to the feature. Select one comment you agree with and one you disagree with and explain why.

-Great well rounded article. I’ve tried it a couple of times but the lack of RPG progression style elements meant I didn’t feel an incentive to keep playing. I can see why other people love it though!
-A fantastic game for all the family. The violence is cartoon-like, not gratuitous or graphic. I limit my children to only playing the Playstation at the weekends. Simple.


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