OSP assessment learner response
1) Type up your WWW/EBI feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential). WWW: Joty-a fairly solid assessment which d,demonstrate knowledge of Rashford CSP EBI: Not enough subject specific terminology theory e.g Blumer and Katz 2) Write down what mark you got for each question. Q1: 1 Q2: 5 Q3: 4 Q4: 5 3) Write down three ways that Figure 1 (promoted Instagram post by American YouTube Influencer Bri Hall - about SpecialK) appeals to an audience. Refer to mise-en-scene - CLAMPS. Lighting- bright focus on her face and cereal Costume- reflects cereal box/ matches wheat colour Makeup- reinforces female stereotype 4 ) Give three examples from Marcus Rashford’s website of how he communicates with his audience. Patrership-- sponsors, brand deals Books- children and his self motivation fareshare 5) Finally, write down three things you want to revise b...